What is the PTA?
The Parent Teacher Association is an organisation whose role is to encourage closer links between home and school. We are a non-profit organisation made up of volunteers, including teachers, parents, grandparents and carers whose children attend the school. The PTA, and all it’s volunteers, is dedicated to raising funds to support the school in enriching the lives of its pupils.

Who runs the PTA?
We have a few members on the board and a larger group of volunteers who help whenever they can:

Chair – Mrs Sharon Banfield/Miss Maria Newins
Vice Chair – Mrs Nicola Hamill
Treasurer – Miss Maria Newins
Secretary – Mrs Nicola Hamill

But we can’t run it alone. Thanks to all that have supported us so far, but we still need more volunteers. If you could just give a small bit of your time, perhaps help at one event or do some organising, or if you have computer skills (we need that too), it would be enough to help us do so much more! It’s actually great fun; you meet great people and get to know your school.

What does the money get spent on?
The funds raised by the PTA get spent on a variety of things to help improve our school and the whole school experience for our children.

Thanks to the support the PTA, we were able to donate a massive £3,000 to the School in early 2020 to help buy a wooden gazebo for Early Years that doubles up as a stage and a large sandpit, fund the reading scheme in KS1 and purchase leavers hoodies for Year 6 in July. We have also raised money for the British Heart Foundation charity.

The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff, students and volunteers to share this commitment. A DBS Certificate, safeguarding training and support will be required to be completed.



Houghton Regis Primary School